About me
My name is Sheldon Levis,
I’m a photographer . . . amongst other things
The world without photography would be like the world without movies: we would all carry on, but something wouldn’t quite be right . . .
Born on the edge of the desert in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Mostly harmless.
I play a lot in Open D, and have been upgrading my camera since I last put a roll of film into my old Nikkormat EL many, many years ago.
I work locally. I’ve covered most events in this lovely little town for a very long time, and continue to do so.
. . . and once the world has wrestled Covid-19 into submission, I’ll begin to work overseas again too: I travel a lot, with family in tow–we have a very long list of places-yet-to-visit, and a long list of places-we-must-return-to. Whilst much of my commercial sales through Getty and Alamy were images taken locally, a not-insignificant percentage was taken overseas. So we’re all hanging out for 2022 when we plan to begin our overseas travel again. . . and of course there’s all that different food just waiting for us . . .
In addition to photography, I have worked all my adult life in the disability sector (well, since my late teens to be accurate). I am able to bring decades of experience to the fore when working with people with disabilities and their families and loved ones.
My other bag of experience contains years of playing Indoor Cricket at a National Level (and umpiring at an International Level), and a long association with the traditional form of Tae Kwon Do. I have extensive archives of images of both endeavours.
What Do I Offer?
Stock Images
See below for details of around 3,000 images available for commercial licensing
Local Work
An upcoming event in Guildford and you need a photographer?
Drop me a line.
Tae Kwon Do
Huge collection of current and archived Tae Kwon Do images, including Grading Exams and City to Surf Fun Runs.
All First Tae Kwon Do grading exams covered as they occur.
Personal Archive
From Sled Dogs in Guildford to Anti-McDonalds rallies, from local Anzac Day ceremonies to classic car shows, from the night Perth streets were buried in feathers as the Place Des Anges show hit town to the visit of the two giant marionettes from Royal de Luxe, I've probably got images sitting in my archives. See link below.
Indoor Cricket
I have a huge archive of photographs of Indoor Cricket, including a couple of World Cups in New Zealand, and many Australian National Championships.
I also manage the Indoor Cricket World website ( www.indoorcricket.net )
A truly massive archive of travel images available for licensing, printing/framing etc.
Bali, Lombok, Croatia, USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Estonia, Australia, Hawaii, Vietnam . . . and more to come in 2022.
Why Choose Me?
light composure
The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.
Professional skills
The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.
Perfect Equipment
The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.
ultra hd
The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.
unic vision
The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.
focusing knowledges
The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.